baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Site title" # Sets the theme to Lucid theme = "lucid" #### # Theme's main settings #### [Params.Lucid] # Place a file in the static/ directory # and specify the path here without the static prefix. # Example for the url below, # the file would be at static/images/avatar.png in the Hugo project. # # avatarUrl = "/images/avatar.png" # Enable Plausible Analytics ( # # plausibleAnalytics = true # By default Lucid theme ships with minified CSS. # If you want to modify the theme or use more of Tailwind, # uncomment below line and Hugo will be responsible for compiling Tailwind. # # customizeTheme = true #### # Meta tags and social media #### [Params.Lucid.Social] # Site description. Required for meta tags. description = "Hugo demo site for Lucid theme" # Default social media images. This can also be overridden in any post. # # twitterImage = "/images/opengraph-banner.png" # opengraphImage = "images/twitter-banner.png" [Params.Lucid.SubscribeForm] mailchimpURL = "" # Displays the newsletter form at the bottom on all blog posts by default displayOnPosts = true #### # Preferences for light mode or dark mode #### [Params.Lucid.Display] # displayMode sets theme's variant. # * light - uses light theme (default) # * dark - uses dark theme # * system - uses dark or light mode based on user's system preferences # # displayMode = "light" # If true, then displays a button for users to switch between dark and light modes. # Look for an icon on the top-right of your site's pages. # This preference is stored in the user's localStorage. # # If the displayMode is set, # then that is the default mode that the page loads unless end-user has chosen something. modeSwitcher = true # The localStorage key used to store the dark mode preference. # Some day if you want to reset your users's preferences, just change the key name. # storageKey = "displayMode" #### # All the navigation links #### [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] name = "About" url = "/about" [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] name = "Projects" url = "/projects" [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] twitter = "" [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] github = "" [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] linkedin = "" [[Params.Lucid.NavLinks]] instagram = ""